- A merger between Oxford Ministry Course (OMC) and Ripon College Cuddesdon followed the split between St Albans and OMC. This delivered the things the Hind report hoped for: a larger student body,
a larger staff of theological educators and significant savings in costs.
- Four dioceses (Guildford, Winchester, Salisbury and Oxford) which deliver local ministry training collaborated around a common framework, and in 2010 went through a common curriculum validation
process and received approval from the House of Bishops.
- A fresh expressions training course has been delivered in the region, and consultations for all those involved in pioneer ministry in the region led to the agreement to develop where possible a
common framework and some shared teaching. This has now resulted in a course for ordained Pioneer Ministers based at CMS in partnership with Ripon College Cuddesdon.
- The SCRTP funded the appointment of a Pioneer Hub Facilitator, one day a week for three years from June 2011 to June 2014, to co-ordinate and connect all those who are involved in Pioneer
Ministry in the region. This appointment was very successful and so funding has continued up to date.
- The Continuing Ministerial Development (CMD) group has agreed some policies for ministerial study leave and extended study leave (sabbaticals), and have developed a theology for CMD.
- The assessment at the end of curacy process was developed together, and a common quality assurance process which has been approved by the Ministry Division.
- The SCRTP has developed a local process for Change of Focus, based on the End of Curacy Assessment. This has won approval from all participating Bishops and has proved to be a useful and
efficient tool.
- In 2011 the SCRTP undertook a review, having committed to do this after three years at its inception in 2008. In summary, it was agreed that the SCRTP should continue its good work. Click
here to read the report.
- In 2012 the Co-Chairs of the SCRTP and the Co-ordinator of Yorkshire RTP arranged a national conference in London for RTP Chairs and senior officers. It resulted in some very useful discussions
and it has been agreed to hold a similar conference on alternate years.